Monday, July 20, 2009


I succumbed. I have fallen victim to the craze called "couponing." I am pretty proud of myself however! (It's also pretty addicting!)

The total before savings for the food: 168.35
Spent, after rebates and refunds: 44.92--Savings of roughly 75%
Items less than $.75-- water, soda, cheese, Keebler cookies, Santa Cruz Lemonade, Kraft dressing, chapstick, Kraft Cheese, Chex Mix, cream cheese
"Free" items: Amp, deodorant, dog food, & Tyson skillet dinner

2 packs of paper and 2 packs of pens: FREE after rebate


Emily S. said...

Yeah! I've rubbed off on someone!!

Kara T. said...


Sarah said...

ha! that picture reminded me of my sis-in-law's blog. she does the same thing after she saves a bunch of money with coupons- takes a pic and posts it.

pretty nice deals friend!

Brad and Hailey said...

Wow good for you! I can't find the motivation and time to figure it all out! I'm impressed :)