Friday, November 7, 2008

The newest member of our family

We adopted the newest member of our family today! He is three years old, and absolutely adorable! His name happens to be Fletcher (he was already named that!!!)

And yes, Fletcher is a dog! But shhh! He doesn't know-- he thinks he's a baby!
The only question remains-- what the heck kind of dog is he??? We will take any suggestions/guesses/etc.
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Emily S. said...

Oh my! What a cutie!!! I can't wait to meet him!

Sarah said...

CUTE!!!! he's so cute and such a good size for a dog. i'm excited for you. i really wish you guys didn't live so far away. i'd come over and play with him right now.

Tieky Torch said...

We really enjoyed coming and hanging out earlier! This past weekend Daniel and I were both really tired, sorry to not have gotten back to you sooner. C u Sunday!